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The Extinction of Imperialist Russia.
There has always been a great mystery about the conclusion of the Imperial .
government. The only thing that the average person really knows about this subject is that .
Nicholas II and his family were captured and killed. The facts as to why they were killed .
have always remained cloudy and puzzling to people. Who was this man and why was he .
shot to deathWhat lead to his failures as a leader What was his childhood like Lastly, .
what role did the mysterious and mythical Rasputin play in this .
Nicholas II was born on May 6, 1868 in Tsarskoe Selo, now known as Pushkin, .
Russia. His father, Alexander Romanov, was a big, intimidating man, that was an .
important man of the Russian government. He dominated others by his size and .
personality . However, Nicholas did not resemble after his father, rather he took after his.
mother. He was small and wiry in physique and never portrayed a strong personality like.
his father( His childhood was very limited and structured. He was .
always closely guarded by secret police and military guards and this, in turn, held .
Nicholas back and was late in maturing. Nicholas was a very well educated man, but .
there was there was always an inability to understand the way that the normal Russian .
citizens lived their lives. This was the case for almost all of his royal peers, however .
Nicholas was also cut off from liberal thought and wasn't involved with Russia's .
growing intellectual and artistic community( As a result, Nicholas II .
developed narrow ideas of honor, service and tradition. This harmed his ability to rule .
over Russia in the future. .
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As heir to the throne, Nicholas achieved the rank of Colonel in the Life Guards. .
He was heavily involved in the military. It was one of his main passions and he always .
considered himself to be an army man.