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Gay essay

            Pros: As our society evolves so do our surroundings, trends, and beliefs. There are many things that we have accepted and let grow such as desegregation and interracial marriages. Another term we as a society has become aquatinted with is gay and lesbian relationships. For many years it was frowned upon, because it is considered Biblically incorrect. As time has changed so did views. Gay and lesbians spoke out and made it known that they deserved the same consideration as heterosexuals. The Gay community is sticking together to fight for societal acceptance. The International Lesbian and Gay Association came into effect around 1978. This worldwide federation of national and local groups is dedicated to achieving equal rights for lesbians, gay men and bisexual people everywhere. Schools and clubs also have been formed to make the transition of "coming out" an easy one. I feel that the Gay community is not going anywhere. People of our society should just accept it for what it is. Who are we to pass judgment against someone else who just wants to live his or her life. .
             Cons: Threats and death have faced the gay community for years. Through the Christian eye this sexuality is unacceptable. There have been many hate crimes, bashings and other threats in attempt to banish this lifestyle. Gay and lesbians do not have it easy. They are a group of people that are highly discriminated against. Many feel that it is a sinful way of living and hell is wished upon them. I feel that living this life is mentally and physically harsh, dealing with the work place, school and society it self. .
             Conclusion: Religious speaking God has created everyone equal. This transition can be hard but it is well worth it. Homosexuality is not the biggest concern of our world. There are many other problems that we have to deal with. Living your life for who you are and accepting it for what it is, maybe that best way to handle things.

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