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The Effects of Language, Imagery and verse form in

But the mere mention of a "marriage temple" and "cloistered" indicate that there is an immoral act been planned. Although it appears religious in nature, it also corresponds to the earlier reference of the "marriage temple". The reader is made aware of the temperament of the lady and what the essence of her nature consists of, it is apparent that the lady has a tendency to kill him, metaphorically speaking, when she thwarts his desires. The stanza is completed with rhyming couplets, which maintains the ingenious depth of the verse form. Donne employs a unique pattern for four- fifths of his poems in this instance there are eight syllables per line; this permits changes in speed, tone, and a dictation of rhythm. The poem is in the context of a dramatic monologue or a conversation. During the three stanza's the reader visits moments of intense hyperbolae, "let not to that, selfe murder added bee, / And sacrilege, three sinnes in killing three". Here another religious reference, concerning the prominent death of the flea, is used. He compares this with "sacrilege, three sinnes in killing three"; the lady will incorporate three sins into one. This intelligible religious imagery depicts, through the death of the flea, the destruction of a union between two people. .
             However the lady is obviously accustomed to ignoring the suitor's arguments and kills the flea. The pretence of shock follows with his comparison of her act with the biblical character Herod. Herod partook in the mass homicide, slaughtering many innocents; "Cruell and sodaine, hast thou since/ Purpled thy naile, in blood of innocence". The mention of "purpled" corresponds to the colour of his royal robes. Nevertheless, the flea hasn't committed any crime or indecent act, only the drop of blood that it sucked and remains as innocent as the children involved in the massacre. The suitor's argument appears to have little effect as she asserts herself in preparation for her triumph.

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