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The marijuana

             To effect changing the attitudes within our society about marijuana, one must be realistic.
             about the legislation of our own bodies. Right now cocaine and morphine are prescribed.
             legally as medicines, and those legal uses are not adding in any significant way to the.
             country drug problem. While experts debate the medical use of marijuana, patients in.
             Santa Cruz, San Francisco and Alameda County are lining up at Cannabis Buyers" Club.
             to receive the drug. Despite the coffee house atmosphere at the Cannabis Buyers" Club.
             marijuana remains illegal. Although some chronically ill people and their physicians.
             argue that the drug eases their pain and suffering, the question still is fiercely debated by.
             law enforcement and the medical community (Donnelly 1-2).4 Modeled after.
             underground pharmacies that provide AIDS patients with unapproved drugs, Buyer's.
             Clubs have existed informally for at least 15 years. Nevertheless, whether there's a.
             medical need still is debatable. On the other hand, officials at the U.S. Drugs.
             Enforcement Administration insist there are few, if any therapeutic uses of marijuana. In.
             fact, they point out smoking harms the lungs (Donnelly 3).4 The American Medical.
             Association does not condone the use of marijuana, although it does support further.
             stating that under the direction of a doctor may be appropriate for certain conditions.
             (Donnelly 3).4 The media address the subject in a language that precludes rational debate:.
             Crime related to drugs prohibition is systematically described as "drug related".
             Furthermore, most people seem to be deeply religiously committed to a medicalized view.
             of life. Many take seriously the proposition that just into his head, it is also not its.
             business what substance he puts into this body.
             In a free society the government's duty is to protect individuals from others who might.
             harm them. In 1980, there were almost twice as may violent offenders in federal prisons.
             as drug offenders (Schlosser 91).

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