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Holocaust/ museum of tolerance

             As I walked through the elevator doors into the lobby, it already seemed so strange and foreign. I walked through the metal detector and grab my wallet out of the bowl. People walk by and stare at me as if I were in a place that I shouldn't be. For a moment I felt like I was in a present day holocaust, everyone judges you by your appearance and nothing more. That's exactly how it was then and that's exactly how it is now. No one gives you a break on your appearance. Now its what brand of clothing you wear and what style, then it was your religion or your race.
             So then I got in line for the tour, I felt so alone and secluded from the world, maybe I was going crazy, maybe it was just because of the atmosphere I was in, whatever it was I didn't like it, I didn't like it at all. .
             As the tour began we were lead down a big spiral path leading downwards, and I couldn't help relating it to when the Jews went down into the pits and were shot. Then they took us to this place where we had to go through doors that automatically opened and closed and I started freaking myself out and thinking that I was going to die, if there is reincarnation I think I was living one of my past lives or something. .
             When we went through these doors they handed us a card, a card that would tell us all about one person and there life during the Holocaust. It was basically a key to their life during this time period. All of the people were real and e all of the stories were true.
             For instance, the person on my card, her name was Magda Mozes. The daughter of Bertha and Gus Mozes. Magda was an only child, no brothers, no sisters. Her hometown was Cluj, Romania, also known as Transylvania. This city was very political and filled with zionist leaders. Not shortly after though did hungary take over her city and renamed it kolozvar. But magdas family still stayed and still felt safe in their cozy little home.

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