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Should the Internet Be Censored?

            One of the latest media inventions is internet. Because it offers a lot of updated information, people prefer to deal with internet more than other media such as TV or radio. Nowadays billions of people all over the world have access to the internet, simply, through a dial-up connection. Also, everybody is able to create his/her homepage on the web and upload almost everything into his/her web site. For example, people decided to end racism want to censor racist language on the internet. Many feminists want to censor pornography because they believe that it represents women as objects. Therefore, everyone wants to ban something. However, by restricting the flow of information, people cannot make a true decision because they cannot recognize the good ideas from the bad ones. In short, the internet should not be censored because firstly, there is nobody that can determine which sites should be banned or allowed, and secondly, censorship is not the right way to combat this threat to civility.
             Before creation of the World Wide Web, in bulletin board systems, e-mail, and newsgroups, the internet has been a place for fanatics such as pornographers, adolescent male, and other people who enjoy in transferring the offensive data. Because anyone with an internet connection has an access to anything that has been posted anywhere in the world, the internet looks like a threat to the society. If somebody connects to the internet with a full access to web pages, almost never, enjoys this access. Therefore, in 1999, ISPs (Internet Service Providers) in Britain have chosen to limit their internet serving because of the pressures from government and their own sense of humanity (Carr, 204) According to the Taking Sides: Should the Internet Be Censored: There are some laws having been passed to limit the people from creating the unlawful web sites on the internet. For example, Communications Decency Act (CDA), which was passed in 1996, and Child Online Protection Act (COPA or CDA II), which was passed two year after CDA.

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