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In was in the 1830s that "the English Parliament set up a commission to investigate the problems of child laborers. One worker in a textile mill testified that since the age of 8 he had worked from 6 A.M. to 8 P.M., with an hour off at noon. " However, when work was busy he could easily find himself working 16 hours straight. "Another boy, whose parents had sold him to a mill owner, testified that the child laborers were locked up in the mill night and day. He ran away twice, and was caught and whipped by his overseer. ".
One of the reasons why child labor was so prevalent was because "many English children did not have parents who could support them, if they had parents at all. These children were called "pauper children," and under English Poor Laws, local government officials were supposed to arrange for them to become apprentices, to be cared for and learn a trade. However, thousands of children were turned over to a distant mill owner, leaving no one to intercede for them. " Other children were sold as slaves by their parents to pay off debt.
Blake wrote The Chimney Sweeper in first person, envisioning a young chimneysweeper. This gives his poetic voice creditability because the subject of the poem is chimney sweeping. In addition, using first person creates a deeper sense of sympathy for the reader. This young boy, the poetic voice, lost his mother while "[he] was very young." Soon after the loss of his mother "[his] father sold [him] while yet [his] tongue could scarcely cry 'Weep! weep! weep! weep!'". This sympathy causes us to realize not only how these children lived, but also how they felt and how they were deprived of their childhood.
Blake uses symbolism to express the evils of exploiting these small boys. Most of this symbolism is about death. This gives the poem a dark mood. Blake writes, "So your chimneys I sweep, and in soot I sleep." Most boys who were sold into chimney sweeping died very young because soot inhalation destroyed the lining of their lungs.