For example Bounty chocolate bar had the tropical paradise advertising campaign, supposedly every time you took a bite out of your Bounty Bar it would take you to a deserted paradise dessert island, which in reality in not going to happen. .
Advertising campaigns and brands are always trying to offer a "superior lifestyle". This approach however often irritates many consumers, they are not nieve enough to believe the idea that spending more money on a soft drink or ice cream can bring happiness or social cachet. .
When a brand earns are trust , we not only repeat our purchases, but we also tell all our friends about it. Word of mouth is also very important for brands, a brand can gain a good reputation without advertising. .
The flip side of the power and importance of a brand is its growing vulnerability. A failed advertising campaign, a drop-off in quality or a hint of scandal can send customers running. Protesters can use the power of a brand against companies by gathering evidence of exploited workers or polluted rivers.
Brands have a function for the company and the consumer. They provide the company with a competitive advantage and act as a substantial asset in the values of a company, in other words they keep the shareholders happy! The brand helps to focus the consumers mind in facilitating choice. .
In order for a brand to be successful it has to focus on its values, they have to centre around what the brand stands for and what makes it distinct from its competitors. For example the Brand values for Armani are; high quality, luxury and glamour, stylish and comfortable clothes the exude confidence, minimalist not fussy etc. .
Brands also need personalities because one key way in which consumers interact with a brand is through the brands personality, which they either identify with or reject. These brand personalities shape the consumers perception of the brand and facilitate two main choices in the consumers mind, they either buy the brand because they "are" like us Or they buy the brand because it is how we would like to be.