The story is set in Umofia, an Ibo village in Nigeria during a time of immense change at the turn of the 19th century. White European settlers were slowly coming to live in Umofia and the surrounding African villages bringing with them their religion and government. The majority of the African people resisted the change because the two cultures were so different. The African people lived a life steeped in traditions and customs with a rich culture that did not include the European's Christianity and beliefs. .
Men in the Ibo tribe had all of the respect. A man's worth was measured by his titles, wealth, kills in war, and number of wives and children. Men were allowed to beat their wives and children without consequence. Women were considered possessions with their sole purpose to serve their husbands and provide them with numerous children to enhance the image of the man. Children were also looked upon as possessions and considered worthless if they did not live up to the father's expectations. The Ibo's culture killed children born as twins or born with a birth defect by taking them to the evil forest.
Also, the earth is a huge part of the setting for this book. One could possibly say the earth could also be considered a character. The Ibo people believed the great goddess of the earth had to be respected or revenge would be taken on its inhabitants. This is apparent when Okonkwo beat his wife during the Week of Peace, and the priest of the earth goddess visited his home saying, .
You have committed a great evil. The evil you have done can ruin the whole clan. The earth goddess whom you have insulted may refuse to give us her increase, and we shall all perish. (30).
When the white missionaries wanted land to build a church, the neighboring village Mbanta decided to give them land in the "evil forest" without a fight because they were sure the missionaries would be dead in four days or less.