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Teenage Pregnancy

             that's what I remember. Then you get to 7th grade you have it again but that stops until you get.
             to be a sophomore in high school. I think they should proceed it all throughout 8th till all of .
             high school. 7.2 percent of students nationwide report having sex before the age of 13, 42.5 .
             percent by grade 10th and 60.9 percent by the 12th grade (TSP2). Most Americans support .
             more sex education for teenagers in school, 93 percent believe it should be taught in .
             high school's and 84 percent believe should be taught in middle or junior high school(RTP1).
             Also many teenagers agree because half of high school students nationwide report that.
             they need basic info on birth control, HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections. In .
             many European countries have already demonstrated great success with medically accurate .
             sexuality education. Their teen birth rates are lower and the starting sex is a lot lower than the .
             U.S (RTP1). .
             "The media also plays a big role in the teenage sex and pregnancy. In the U.S, one in .
             four television programs contain a scene devoting primary emphasis to sexual behavior, and .
             one in eight contain a scene in which intercourse is strongly implied, yet sexual precautions and .
             the negative consequences of sexual behavior are not shown" (RTP1). I know what they mean .
             about the whole T.V. programs because every time I watch a movie or T.V. there is always .
             some kind of sexual act going on. Sometimes it shows the negative sides but it rarely does. I .
             think most of the time they have those type of scenes just to get ratings and more people to.
             Tamburi 3.
             watch their show. They need to reduce how much scenes like that is on T.V. because a lot of.
             young kids watch these shows. The government should make T.V. ads like how they do for .
             alcohol and drugs. In the ad it should inform them the consequences that can come from having .
             sex, like teen pregnancy. It would be a lot more informational for young people because more .

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