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The Contextualization of Human Development:

In order to understand the main idea of developmental contextualism, one must have a firm understanding of the situation in which a relationship between an individual and their physical and social environment takes place. .
             Urie Bronfenbrenner proposed in the Model of the Ecology of Human Development is composed of four distinct although interrelated, systems or types of settings (Lerner, 1995). The Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosysyem, and Macrosystem. Each system focuses on 3 concepts: 1) the developing person is a growing, dynamic entity that progressively moves and restructures the milieu in which it resides. 2) The environment exerts influence on a person's development, which requires a process of mutual accommodation, and as a result the interaction between person and environment is viewed as two-directional (that is characterized by reciprocity). 3) Environment is extended to also incorporate interconnections between personal settings as well as to external influences emanating from the larger surroundings (Bronfenbrenner, 1979). .
             To better understand the influence in the process of dynamic interactions between individuals and multiple levels of organization involved in human life (Lerner, 1995), one could look at the developmental process of Anne Moody from Bronfenbrenner's perspective, which focuses on the Model of Ecology of Human Development.
             The factors of activity, role and interpersonal relations are what make up the building blocks of the Microsystem. The main idea behind the Microsystem is that it is a pattern of activities, roles and interpersonal relations experienced by the developing person in a given settings with particular physical and material characteristics (Bronfenbrenner, 1979). The interactions of an individual in the immediate environment of the Home, Neighborhood, School and Church, are key areas of focus.
             The immediate environment of the family is one that has crucial influence of the development of a child, because it can either facilitate or impede the process.

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