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Acid Rain Lab

             5. Explain why penny change color in some glass of solution.
             6. What does this result tell you about the danger of acid rain?.
             II.) Acid Rain Affecting Soil.
             Acid rain can affect the pH of he soil. You can observe the effect of acid, alkaline, and normal water on seedling growth by doing the following experiment.
             ùÞ You Will Need: .
             3 Paper cups water.
             potting soil pH paper.
             radish seeds baking soda.
             marker pen measuring cup.
             vinegar .
             A. Fill three cups with potting soil. Be sure use the same type of soil in each cup.
             B. Plant several radish seeds in each cup.
             C. Use marker pen to label one of the cup A, one B, and one C. Place all three cups in the same location.
             D. Add vinegar to tap water in measuring cup to make a pH 4 solution by looking at the pH paper. Now use this solution to water the seeds in the cups marked A.
             E. After washing the measuring cup, add baking soda to water in the measuring cup to make a pH 8 solution. Use this solution to water cup B.
             F. For cup C, whenever the soil seems dry, water it with normal water. Be sure the amounts of solution you water to each cup are the same.
             G. Observe the growth of the seeds for one week. And record the height of the seedling on the graph belo.
             1.) What effect does acid water have on the reddish seed?.
             2.) What effect does alkaline water have on the reddish seed?.

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