Katherina breaks a lute over her music teacher's head after he corrects her (Stokes 178; ("NovelGuide: The Taming of the Shrew"). Her music is rude to her and she threatens him saying, "comb your noddle with a three-legg"d stool ("Free Barron's BookNotes for The Taming of the Shrew - The Play-Free Literature Summaries/Booknotes from PinkMonkey.com")." When Katherina first meets Petruchio, she insults him and slaps him to test his gentlemanliness (Boyce 331).
Although Shakespeare does not explain why Katherina is so rude and rebellious, he does give many hints as to why she developed such an unruly attitude ("Free Barron's BookNotes for The Taming of the Shrew - The Play-Free Literature Summaries/Booknotes from PinkMonkey.com"). One is that Katherina's father shows favoritism to her sister, Bianca. Perhaps she developed this unruly behavior in an attempt to get the attention that she was deprived of as a child ("MonkeyNotes-The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare-Free Book notes/Chapter Summary"). Another cause of Katherina's unpleasant behavior is that she feels out of place in society. Katherina is very smart and does not want to play the part of the maiden daughter. She disagrees with society's expectations that she obey her father and show courtesy towards he suitors. However, Katherina knows in order for her to be socially accepted, she must find a husband. The favoritism of Katherina's father as well as society's expectations for women cause her to develop a feisty attitude ("NovelGuide: The Taming of the Shrew"). .
Everyone is exposed to Katherina's unpleasant behavior; therefore, she is strongly disliked by many ("MonkeyNotes-The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare-Free Book notes/Chapter Summary"). In her hometown of Padua, she is known as "Katherina the Shrew." Because of Katherina's hostile mannerisms, it seems very unlikely that anyone would ever want to marry her ("Lambs' Tales From Shakespeare - The Taming Of The Shrew").