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             Conspiracies have practically woven themselves into society; thus, making them somewhat vital for diversity in our society. It seems as though on a certain psychological level, we need them. According to Jeffrey Bale, a writer who examines conspiracies, he believes "Giving misery and injustice an identity makes life more bearable. Conspiracy theories account for current crises and upheavals and explain why bad things are happening to good people or vice versa" (Parsons 1). They continue to exist and thrive because when a major event occurs, people become blind to the obvious reasons and say to themselves, "There has got to be more to it." Dr. Peebles asks, "What do all conspiracy theorists have in common?" He states that they are filled with fear, blame, frustration, and anger. "They feel like they have no control over the situation and they do not see how they have contributed or allowed, either knowingly or by lack of action, to create exactly what they criticize." They make up explanations that use your emotions and play off your inner-thoughts, which you instinctively ignore and discard, stating, "That could never possibly be the truth" (Peebles 1).
             Unfortunately, once they get inside your head and steal your thoughts and give them color, they state it, publish it, and almost instantly, people begin to believe it, regardless of the facts disproving the theory. The presence of these conflicting facts aren't immediately addressed or are "accidentally" ignored by conspiracy theorists; thus, by the time people begin to question the legitimism of the theory by addressing these facts, and despite whether they are proven wrong or not, it's already to late and the damage has already been done. The constant spreading of the fiction never ceases to stop; therefore, causing yet another conspiracy to be born.
             Sadly, Americans and numerous others throughout the world have given into the most recent 9/11 conspiracies because they wanted someone to blame and most could not accept the fact that some guy in a cave, half the globe away, could formulate a plan by using our planes and our technology, to kill over 3,000 of our own citizens.

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