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EMR, Boon, Bane or Bust

"" Some may suppose the real reason is because big-brother-is-watching-you. However, I think in the final event it is because we HAVE to because it will "improve the quality of health care."" Ultimately and truthfully that is probably the best reason to undertake such a task.
             By the way, Correctional Medical Services is currently spending time, effort and money to try to bring forward a national EMR. One of the driving forces is that of HIPAA "no, not some relative of a hippopotamus, but nothing less than the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act. In typical Federal bureaucratic process, something.
             that started out simple with honorable intentions has become a nightmare for hospital, providers, labs and even the bureaucrats themselves. But that is a subject for an entirely different article or perhaps an encyclopedia.
             Even though correctional facilities may be exempt from some of the provisions of HIPPA, those of us who do not migrate toward the electronic sharing of data will find ourselves speaking a "dead tongue-. We will be unable to communicate with others with whom we must interface with in order to provide health care in correctional facilities. As we remain isolated we truly will be "left behind- when finally the day of full implementation of HIPAA is in force. So maybe the evangelist approach is not that far off base. Certainly CMS, when and if it adopts its national EMR, will be "sounding the trumpets- in Biblical fashion. It will be the "New Speak- of health care provision.
             The fact of the matter is EMRs really do improve health care despite system crashes, data corruption, incomplete enteries, and other hardware and software frustrations. My staffs and I have been there, done that, have the "tee shirt- and can attest to the benefits.
             Imagine being able to find everyone in your system who suffers from a particular medical problem, is on a certain medication, in a specific age range and who has not been seen in the last ninety days.

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