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The United Nations

             During the 1990s, there has been major change in the patterns of conflict with more than 90 per cent of conflicts taking place within, rather than between, states. .
             The United Nations has therefore reshaped and enhanced the range of instruments at its command, emphasizing conflict prevention, continually adapting peacekeeping operations, involving regional organizations, and strengthening post-conflict peace-building. .
             To deal with civil conflicts, the Security Council has authorized complex and innovative peacekeeping operations. In El Salvador and Guatemala, in Cambodia and in Mozambique, the UN played a major role in ending war and helping reconciliation. .
             Other conflicts, however, in Somalia, Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia; often characterized by ethnic violence, brought new challenges to the UN peacemaking role. Confronted with the problems encountered, the Security Council did not establish any operation from 1995 to 1997. .
             Continuing crises in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, East Timor, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, and Ethiopia-Eritrea led the Council to establish six new missions in 1998-2000. .
             The experience of recent years has also led the United Nations to focus as never before on peace building; action to support structures that will strengthen and consolidate peace. Experience has shown that keeping peace, in the sense of avoiding military conflict, is not enough for establishing a secure and lasting peace. Such security can only be achieved by helping countries to foster economic development, social justice, human rights protection, good governance and the democratic process. .
             Virtually every United Nations body and specialized agency is involved to some degree in the protection of human rights. .
             One of the great achievements of the United Nations is the creation of human rights law, which, for the first time in history, provides us with a universal and internationally protected code of human rights, one to which all nations can subscribe to and to which all people can aspire.

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