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             Hemochromatosis is a genetic disorder. Genetic disorders are diseases that are.
             They are caused by defects on genes, extra.
             chromosomes, or missing chromosomes. Hemochromatosis is caused by a defect on a.
             Hemochromatosis is a genetic disorder in which the body absorbs too much iron.
             It is the most common iron overload disease. People who do not have it usually.
             absorb ten percent of the iron in the foods they eat. People who have.
             hemochromatosis absorb much more than that. Since the body has no natural way.
             to get rid of this extra iron it is stored in body tissues, especially the liver.
             heart, and pancreas. This iron buildup in the organs can severely damage them. .
             If this disease isn't treated, the organs fail and have fatal results.
             Hemochromatosis is caused by a defect in a gene called HFE. This gene helps.
             regulate the amount of iron that is absorbed in food. If this gene is defected.
             then the body absorbs too much iron. Two mutations of this gene are called C282Y.
             and H63D. H63D causes too little increase in iron absorption. C282Y causes iron.
             to be over absorbed and is more dangerous than H63D. Hemochromatosis is.
             autosomal recessive. This means that the defective gene must be inherited from.
             both parents in order for it to show up. While a carrier of the gene usually.
             does not inherit the disease, they may show a little increase in iron.
             absorption. If a person inherits the H63D and C282Y defect, then they rarely.
             develop hemochromatosis.
             There are also two forms of hemochromatosis that are not linked to the HFE.
             gene. They are juvenile hemochromatosis and neonatal hemochromatosis. Juvenile.
             hemochromatosis causes iron overload and liver and heart disease in adolescents.
             and neonatal hemochromatosis causes iron overload in infants.
             Hereditary hemochromatosis is one of the most common genetic disorders in the.
             United States. While most ethnic groups are affected, it is most common in.
             Caucasians of Northern European descent.

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