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Buddhist Economics

"The less toil there is, the more time and strength is left for artistic creativity." Here in America if employment was looked at as work and leisure being complementary to each other we would have a more individual output of the fruits of our labor. Individualism can come from taking pride in what you do and the outcome of your production. The country of individualism sure has become uniform. People are pressured to look like everyone else and dress like everyone else. Conformity to pattern seems to be opposite of individualism but most do not hold this view. .
             Americans are born consumers. Overconsumption of non renewable natural resources in Buddhism is considered as an act of violence against nature which leads to more violence between mankind while seeking more fuel, oil and natural gas. Growing population leads to less resources to go around the world. Americans have no concept that these natural resources , such as gasoline and oil for our automobiles, will eventually all be used up. When this happens, the multitude will feel a loss. But if Buddhist economics were followed here, people would work more closely to their home and not need to have cars. We could walk and feel fine about it. The environment would benefit as well as our bodies. If everyone in America chose to walk more and drove only when it is necessary, the natural resources would last longer and there would possibly be less obesity. Getting more exercise, people most likely would feel better about themselves and would possibly take better care of thier bodies.
             Life would be quite different here in the West if we looked at economics through ethics and compassion for all beings. Business is not conducted in a manner that is not harmful to the individual, society or the natural environment Success in business is determined by the amount of consumption. To live within our means. It would include less consumption and less worry about unnecessary things we cannot afford.

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