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Fetal tissue research

             debilitating diseases, e.g., Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, diabetes, stroke, spinal cord.
             injuries, bone diseases, etc.; and screening drugs for pharmaceutical companies,.
             instead of having to rely on animal models. .
             In order to continue with these medical and scientific breakthroughs " you have to.
             accept the right-to-life argument in its most extreme form. I"m talking about newly.
             formed embryos. These are not fetuses with tiny little waving hands and feet. These.
             are microscopic groupings of a few differentiated cells. There is nothing human about .
             them, except potential, and only if you choose to believe it, a soul. However, Bush is.
             blocking, stem cell research would not actually take the life of a single embryo. .
             Researchers would only use embryos that are being discarded anyway".1.
             I understand that some people and "pro lifers" say that stem cell research is.
             "murder." But I strongly fell that it is ethically acceptable - even morally required - to.
             destroy a few human beings in order to possibly benefit millions of patients. Besides,.
             these cells do not cause the same immuno-incompatibility problems after.
             transplantation as do adult stem cells from different patients. Further, these early cells.
             from human embryos and fetuses are MORE "totipotent" and "pluripotent" than adult.
             stem cells, and therefore they can be "coaxed" to become more different kinds of.
             tissues, and can last longer in culture awaiting use. Besides, these fetuses and left-.
             over IVF-produced human embryos are going to die anyway, so we might as well get.
             some good use out of them".1 "Researchers believe that stem cells can mimic the.
             actions and activities.
             of nearly every other cell in the body. Eventually, scientists hope to use.
             them to repair damaged hearts after heart attacks, regenerate livers.
             devastated by cirrhosis or viral disease, reconstruct damaged joints, or.
             seed the brain with fresh neurons to reverse the effects of Parkinson's.

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