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Is Ibsen's A Doll's House patterned after Medea?

In the end her cleverness is what allows her to leave Jason with nothing. Medea punishes him for what he has done to her.
             Nora also displays traits of cleverness. She wants to make certain that she may be able to depend on Dr. Rank financially if she ever needs to. She attempts to seduce him during their conversation with her silk stockings, she states, .
             "Flesh colored! Aren't they lovely! Of course, it's dark here now, but tomorrow No, no, no you can only look at the feet. Oh well, you might as well see a bit higher up too." (Ibsen p. 943).
             Nora uses a similar tactic as Medea to obtain what she wants. Seduction is a clever way to go about this, and works very well for Nora. Dr. Rank falls right into her hands and is willing to help her if she ever needs him. There are several other actions that link the two heroines together aside from their clever thinking. .
             Medea and Nora are very similar in the sense that they strive to achieve their goals through criminal acts. Medea seeks revenge upon Jason by murdering his future bride. Nora forged her father's signature on a document to borrow money in order to take her sick husband away so that he could recover. They both felt so strongly that they thought they had no other choice. Their criminal acts are preceded by lies.
             Neither of these women are strangers to lying. They both lie throughout the play to get what they want from the other characters, or to hide something they have done. The men they deceive believe their lies because they are both very convincing. Medea lies to her husband Jason to get him to believe that she is not planning revenge against him for what he has done to her. She pleads, .
             Jason, I beg you to be forgiving toward me.
             For what I said ."Fool" I said, "Why am I so mad?.
             Why am I set against those who have planned wisely?.
             Why make myself an enemy of the authorities.
             And of my husband, who does the best thing for me.

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