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Julia's Side Of The Story

             and lately my husband Jack has been acting very different around me. Jack is acting like he is the only parent with power in the house. Jack and I have three children together; they are Amanda the baby, Eric who is eight, and Nicole who is a rebellious twelve year-old. Jack has started to think that he runs the household all by his lonesome and I just sleep here. I do not get very much time to spend with my children since I work the majority of the day. When I finally get off from work and talk to my kids, Jack has always changed the rules or made up new ones. It seems like he is trying to make me look like the bad guy in our children's eyes. I am a trained child psychologist and he thinks that he knows best. I believe that Jack is frustrated because I am succeeding at my job and he is unemployed, and the only way he has to get to me is to always keep the children on his side.
             This whole ordeal started a month or two ago when my husband Jack lost his job at Mediatronics. Jack was fired because he stumbled upon some wrong doings that the leaders of the company were involved in. They not only fired him, but also gave him a bad name with the other companies in town. When he .
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             got fired, Jack tried for a week or two to get a job, but just could not find one. He decided to start staying at home with the kids and take over the duties that had previously been given to our housekeeper. Jack has started to change the rules of the household without even consulting with me first. For instance, the other night I came home and our daughter Nicole had stayed up past her bedtime and I told her to go to sleep. Then Jack informed me that her bedtime had been changed to ten o"clock. We had a little argument and he even admitted he was wrong by saying "You"re right. I"m sorry. You"re right" (17). That was just the beginning of the night. .
             After that commotion the baby was awake, so Jack went to comfort her.

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