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Erin Brockovich

She feels their pain,.
             understands their needs, and embodies a rare compassion. "I hate lawyers; I just work for.
             them," she says to those who are wary of her intentions. Additionally, she's smart,.
             resourceful, and isn't afraid to get her hands dirty.
             When she does a little extra research into a land deal, she discovers that the activities of a.
             nearby utilities plant may be responsible for the failing health of hundreds of local.
             residents. Erin is devastated to learn that the long-term effects have had horrific results,.
             from nosebleeds to cancer. She is convinced that they should sue the utilities giant on.
             behalf of all of those who have suffered. But Masry, now in his 60s and comfortable with.
             his small practice, is naturally concerned about engaging in such a case. "We're not just.
             David going against Goliath, says the flustered lawyer. "We're going against Goliath and.
             his whole family.".
             Through Erin's hard work and devotion, there is significant emotional payoff. It's quite an.
             accomplishment for Erin to achieve what she does given her situation and limited.
             resources. It's also quite an accomplishment for to capture the heart, courage, and fears of.
             Erin's crusade. Showcasing her dramatic talent and her wonderful sense of comic timing,.
             this is Roberts' richest role to date and perhaps the richest female performance since in "".
             Finney is also terrifically likable as a lawyer that tries to counter Erin's zeal with.
             conventionality and wisdom. I also credit the filmmakers for not succumbing to.
             Hollywood-esque plots. In a dumber version, there probably would have been a contrived,.
             life-threatening situation as Erin uncovered more damaging evidence against the utilities.
             And, I'm glad that the film doesn't go the route of an extended courtroom sequence. The.
             movie smartly stays focused on Erin's pain, passion and personal ascension.
             Erin Brockovich," whose nonfictional roots are made markedly clear even before the first.

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