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Nuclear Study Guide

            -Thermodynamics-branch of physics dealing with processes and laws governing the transformation of heat into other forms of energy, heat<--->mechanical work.
             -Some names of thermo-Rumford, Davy, Carnot, R.J. Meyer, James Joule-Kelvin/Clausis-thermo theory, Gibbs.
             -Thermo-study of macroscopic systems-micro systems include mass, velocity, and KE-marco level includes-temp, vol, pressure, thermoconductivity, viscosity, heat capacity.
             -Maxwell-1859-distribution of the speed of molecules in a gas. .
             -Statistical Mechanics-study of the avg. motion, looks at the distribution an example being Maxwell distrib.
             -Kinetic theory-looks at the same thing as the above example but for each molecule per particle, describes the behavior of, and the velocity, mass, mom, KE,-1872 Boltzmann.
             -Internal energy of a sys.-system-avg. collection of objects you want to consider, v, pi=mipi, PE, within the sys., internal to the sys. Ignore external factors, motion relative to each other, and the forces between parts of the system.
             -3 ways to change internal E-1) add or remove heat, 2) doing work on it or it doing work on something, 3) adding or removing particles that undergo reactions.
             -D.O.F. Characteristics-ways to describe a system, the energy, 8 usual d.o.f., translational, rotational, vibrational .
             -Brownian Motion- size 1micrometer in liquid,size H20 1nanometer- the particle would jiggle-symmetric distribution- .
             -Conduction-heat flow through a material.
             -Convection-physical flow through a liquid or gas.
             -Qin=heat into a system-Eint=3/2NKbT.
             -Particle transfer- add 1 particle with an attractive interaction, example-water beading up-due to attractive force causes molecular vibration-.
             -First Law of thermo-energy conservation-.
             U-is path dependant- Q and W-are path independent-.
             -State of a system-specify outcome of exper. or condition-i.e.-2 dice, 1 red, 1 white, 1 trial, throw dice-state= the number on the top of the dice not the sum of the two-.

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