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Woodrow Wilson

Before he found it "very difficult.
             to work with people who opposed him, and was not receptive to the suggestions of.
             friends who approved his ideals but trusted in slower or modified processes This.
             was shown more during his time of presidency at Princeton University. Wilson's.
             more conservative student body and faculty showed a dislike towards his radical.
             ideas. He did not like the ideas of changing the teaching style and living.
             style. Because of this many of his ideas were turned down. When he first.
             became president he pushed for equality of opportunity for all men, no matter if.
             they were rich or poor He presented many new proposals to congress and often he.
             presented these new proposals in person. Wilson also created new agencies such.
             as the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Trade Commission. He was also.
             responsible for the ratification of the 18th Amendment. In 1920 during his.
             second term, he passed the 19th Amendment which allowed women to vote. .
             During this time he was also pressured by the southerners to allow segregation.
             in Washington D.C. He said that this would be in the best interests of the.
             blacks. Woodrow Wilson did how ever show weaknesses during his presidency. .
             During World War I he often took his time in making decisions. He wanted to.
             make sure that there wasn't any other way to avoid the war. This was good that.
             he was looking out after the interest of the country, but it could also have.
             made the war worse. Wilson also was thought to be a weak president by.
             ex-president Roosevelt During Roosevelt's time in office he helped Panama.
             succeed from Colombia in return for rights to build the Panama Canal through.
             their country. He thought it was very unnecessary to apologies to Colombia for.
             helping the succession of Panama. Roosevelt believed that it showed Wilson's.
             weaker side. Wilson did show a strong side in one area, world peace. All.
             through his first term he aimed to prevent World War I.

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