quickly begans to change. These horrible living conditions brings out Paul's false .
faith in the Germans which ultimately causes him to show his true human nature .
as a weak and selfish person. .
Paul's wife, Deborah, is nothing like him. Before the war, she was "the .
perfect mother and the clever hostess" (Uris 79). She changed herself and .
became what Paul wanted her to be, and this was painful for her (Uris 78). She .
was inhibited by her husband and did not like her life for it. However, during her .
stay in the ghetto, Deborah, could not be like this. Her squalid surroudings .
causes her to quickly become active in helping the " many orhanages containg .
dying children in the Warsaw Ghetto." (2) She has so much faith in her beliefs .
that she has to help the dying ghetto inhabitants that she is not inhibited by her .
chauvanistic husband anymore. Her surroundings bringt out her faith in her .
beliefs, and her faith gives her the power to finally get the courage to leave Paul .
(Uris 379). This clearly shows that her faith in her beliefs brings out her true .
nature as a strong woman. .
Deborah's son, Stephan, is another person who shows courage in the .
Ghetto. Before entering the ghetto, Stephan was just an ordinary child and .
acted like an ordinary child (Uris 18). For example, when his uncle Andrei came .
to visit him, Stephan asked him for a present like any child would when a relative .
comes to visit. However, when Stephan lives in the ghetto, he matures. He .
realizes that what the Nazis are doing is wrong, and he wants to help. He wants .
to help because he has the faith in his beleifs that the Nazis should not commit .
the many horrible atrocities they commited. Consequently, he asks his Uncle .
Andrei if he can distiribute "the underground paper" (3) and become a runner, .
two very dangerous jobs that require a lot of skill. Stephen's faith causes him to .
mature quickly at an early age, and his ability to mature early shows that he truly .