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Should Euthanasia Become A Legalized Practice?

"For example, one study conducted by two psychiatrists in Seattle, Washington, found 75% of the 96 suicide attempters studied were actually quite ambivalent about their intentions to die" (Balch and O"Bannon 2). By offering appropriate treatment to patients who are suicidal, few will actually go through with the process. "In one American study, less than 4% of 886 suicide attempters actually went on to kill themselves in the 5 years following their initial attempt" (Balch and O"Bannon 3).
             The American Medical Association (AMA) takes the position of opposing euthanasia. The AMA states, "There is, in short, compelling evidence of the need to ensure that all patients have access to quality palliative care, but not of any need for physician-assisted suicide- ("AMA: Anti-Euthanasia" 1). By taking a life, and also trying to protect a life, doctors put their credibility at risk as well as their relationships with their patients. The AMA plans to educate 10 percent of its doctors by creating the Institute for Ethics. The primary goal of the institution is to educate doctors on PAS through meetings held across the nation. The AMA believes that if they offer patients a practical alternative, they will reject euthanasia ("AMA: Anti-Euthanasia" 1).
             Euthanasia supporters say terminally ill patients experience unbearable pain, which may only be overcome with death, but pro-life activists believe that effective pain management is the answer. Doctor Kathleen Foley's article in The Journal of Pain and Symptom Management illustrates how doctors who offer patients adequate pain control directly relates to the fewer number of patients who ask for assisted suicide:.
             We frequently see patients referred to our Pain Clinic who request physician-assisted suicide because of uncontrolled pain. We commonly see such ideation and requests dissolve with adequate control of pain and other symptoms, using combinations of pharmacologic, neurosurgical, anesthetic, or psychological approaches.

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