Lacking social abilities which are necessary for building- (Eiseman,S. ,,,,,,).
Cocaine is a powerful stimulant that directly effects the brain, pure cocaine was first extracted from the leaf of Erytroxylon coca bush, which grows primarily in Peru and Bolivia, in the 19th century. It becomes the main drug used to treat illnesses. Today, cocaine is aschedule 2 drug, meaning that it has a lot of abuse. There are two chemical forms of cocaine: the hydrochloride salt and the freebase. The hydrochloride salt becomes liquid in water and can be taken by vein or intanasally (by nose). Freebase is not neutralized by an acid to make hydrochloride salt.
Cocaine is generally sold on the street as awhite powder known as coke, C, snow, flake, blow. Crack is the street name of the freebase form of cocaine it is maden from the powdered cocaine hydrochloride to a smokable form. The tern crack refers to the crackling sound when it is smoked.(,,,,,,,,).
There are three ways to use cocaine: snorting, smoking and intervenous injection. Snorting it up the nostrils is the most popular method because people believe that when it is used in this way cocaine is nonaddictive and harmless but many cocaine snorters becaome addicted. Some users prefer to smoke rather than snorting. Perhaps because cigarette smoking is so normal in our society and many people assume that smoking a drug is not as hrmful as injecting one. In fact, smoking a drug gives a high damage to brain more quickly than any other usage. Finally, since cocaine is soluable in water, a solution of the drug can can be used with a syringe, sometimes mixed in the same syringe with heroin, a drug combination known as speedball. The cocaine travels back to the right side of the heart, out to the lungs, to the left side of the heart and up to the brain, completing its journey in 30-60 seconds. (Washton,A. ,,,,,,,,,).
There are enormous physical effects associated with cocaine use.