Not only is the chemical make up of marijuana dangerous, but it also has harmful mental affects. Although you can't physically get addicted to weed, you can get addicted to the high. It is slow process and people are unaware of its grip on them. Even though you can get addicted to the high, there are no withdraw symptoms as with other drugs. Marijuana is so potent that it is said to be equal to and maybe even surpass morphine as a painkiller.
Laziness is another mental affect thought to occur with the use of marijuana. Andrew Weil, MD, a Harvard physician, believes that heavy pot smokers are already lacking motivation rather than the substance causing the lack of motivation. Many people use marijuana during rough times in their life to avoid difficult feelings, which means their emotional development gets blocked. Emotional development is an important milestone in growing up. People who smoke tend to separate themselves from people. They also distance themselves from family and they only hang out with other drug users.
Memory and learning can be impaired by marijuana use. A lab experiment was done testing rats injected with THC and they found that the rats injected had a hard time learning and remembering compared to the rats not injected. The higher the dose injected the harder time the rats had learning and remembering. Richard H. Schwarts of Georgetown University School of medicine in Washington D.C., studied teenagers who had abused marijuana. He did tests comparing them to teens that haven't used weed. He found that drug users did a lot worse on short-term memory tests. After 6 weeks off of weed they did better but still was not as good as the non drug users. .
Coordination is greatly affected by marijuana use. It gives you the feeling like you"re in a 3-D show where you can't touch anything. Pot distorts perception, making one see thing differently than if not under the influence.