From the movie Twelve Angry Men, "Look, everyone else on this jury agrees the kid is guilty. You are the only holdout. Since we are 11-1, doesn't that prove that you are wrong?".
The rise of violent sex crimes is occurring at the same rate as the rise in the use of pornography. Therefore, pornography must be the cause. (Pat Robertson, The 700 Club, 4/02.).
"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." (A bumper sticker on display at Spencer's store, University Park Mall, Mishawaka, In.).
"God exists. We know this to be true since the Bible plainly tells us that God exists. And we know that what the Bible tells us is true, since the Bible is the word of God. (Pastor Jerry Falwell, Grace College Chapel Convocation, April, 2002).
"You can't expect fifteen year olds to be good drivers because they are too young to exercise good judgment in the dangers of driving." You pro-choice people are selfish, godless, and immoral. You are probably all communists too." America is one of the few democracies to employ the death penalty. Yet the death penalty has not been proven to deter criminals." (Dr. Skip Forbes, Grace College, Philosophy and Christian Thought class examples. 02/04).
In the hopes to understand fallacies more and be able to point them out a little easier, fallacies are broken down by types with the help of Peter Angeles from the book Dictionary of Philosophy, here are a few examples: .
1. Black and White fallacies: "If he is not an atheist then he is a decent person." "He is either a conservative or a liberal." "He must not be peace-loving, since he participated in picketing the American embassy.".
2. Fallacy of Force: The use of force, fear, or even threat is used to make an argument.
3. Fallacy of Pity: "I've got to have at least a B in this course, Professor Angeles. If I don't, I won't stand a chance for medical school, and this is my last semester at the university.".
4. Fallacy of accident: "It is a general truth that no one should lie.