The most important technological advancement that's shaping our generation is the computer. The computer, creating new jobs and specializations, has turned many eyes to look for a career in programming, creation, development, even if you don't know the technical information about a computer. Graphic engineers and computer arts are an ideal job for many to share their ideas.
Not only has it brought a new way to work, but communication is now easier then ever to talk to a friend next door or a country away. Talking online to someone and getting a vast conversation in with them, can sometimes leave u feeling closer then if u were to talk with them on the phone. And even while talking to them your able to do many other things at once. Such as talk to a few friends at once or look up information on practically anything you'd want to know.
All this information is open to us; we could search on a topic and find more then enough information for it. It has affected us so much that if we were given a research paper and told not to use the internet it might prove to be a very challenging ordeal. And not only research topics can be found. There are many things that are just about different types of people and who they are.
Expressing who we are has gotten so much easier. Many new styles come from stores on the internet that just aren't around where we live. Music is now flowing faster then ever, creating cds of our own mix of music that we choose. And allowing unknown garage bands to share their music online, and get their music heard in the world. Games are another way in which we commonly use the computer.
Everyone knows that the pc is the best consul for gaming, in part that it's upgradeable and its unique hardware and memory. Better and better games go out on the pc and most are multi-player. So you can battle your friend from another state 1 on 1 as if he were in the other room.
Without the computer, daily life's tasks would take so much more effort.