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             -Adcock et al.
             Analyzing the descriptions:.
             -The first definition, stated by Gronroos, focuses on the relationship between customers and partners, highlighting its importance. From Gronroos" point of view, a market cannot be successful or profit making unless the relationship between these is stable, therefore, establishing a relationship is essential so it can then be maintained and enhanced.
             Gronroos" definition means he would opt for a consumer-oriented market, meaning that the priority would be the costumers and consumers. He concludes by stating "this is achieved by a mutual exchange and fulfilment of promises". I agree with Gronroos" definition, because it is true that the relationship with partners and customers is vital in order to have the market working and with profits. .
             I chose this definition because it is a clear description of what a consumer-orientated market would have to do in order to get things right. "Fulfilment of promises" is what attracts the consumer and what makes the profit. It is interesting how Gronroos describes the fact that the objectives of both parties can be met, leaving no losers, only winners: " enhance relationships with customers and other partners, at a profit, so that the objectives of both parties are met".
             -The author of the second definition is Kotler, who emphasizes marketing as a social process. Kotler affirms that individuals and groups can obtain what they need and want by creating and exchanging products and value with others. .
             I like this definition because it means that to obtain a need or a want there are several ways of doing so in the market, either producing or trading (creating/exchanging). Another important statement is done by the way he distinguishes individuals from groups. This is important, since every individual has different needs and wants, unlike groups, who are "easier to deal with". .
             Kotlers" definition is adequate and complete, although it is not the one I have selected.

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