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Arterial lines

             Darovic and Franklin (1999) also state that non-invasive blood pressure monitoring techniques are dependant on the blood flow within the body part used for the pressure measurement. They point out that in all non-invasive methods of blood pressure monitoring the systolic pressure found will be up to twenty mm Hg lower than trace intra-arterial pressure, and diastolic pressures are usually higher than that measured with arterial line pressures.
             Jevon et al (2002) also list associated complications of non-invasive blood pressure monitoring as:.
             1. Limb oedema.
             2. Friction blisters.
             3. Excessive bruising. .
             4. Ulna nerve palsy.
             They suggest that factors such as cuff width and the position of the patients arm can contribute to the non-invasive blood pressure measurement being inaccurate. From this it is evident that in the critical care setting invasive arterial pressure monitoring is the gold standard for monitoring the seriously ill patient.
             The monitoring of arterial blood gasses can give invaluable information about the condition of the critically ill patient. Arterial blood gas analysis will help establish a diagnosis on a critically ill patient, and will indicate the severity of certain conditions for example metabolic acidosis in sepsis, the management of further interventions and the intensity of monitoring required (The Royal College of Surgeons 2003). .
             Analyses of arterial blood gasses are carried out to monitor the sufficiency of ventilation, oxygenation and acid base levels (The Royal College of Surgeons 2003). The indications for arterial blood gas monitoring are listed by The Royal College of Surgeons (2003) as:.
             1. The diagnosis of respiratory failure and its severity.
             2. Management of patients in intensive therapy units admitted, for example suffering from respiratory and cardiac failure.
             3. As a guide to the therapy intensive therapy unit patients will receive, for example oxygen administration.

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