This is what the mammals reproductive system is based on, this is why a female goes through ovulation. When her egg matures and causes the famale to be estrus which gives off a olfactory signals (referring to the smell) to males which lets them know their eggs are ready to be fertilized, also, the females genital area swells and discolors. Humans on the other hand ovulate in intervals of about 28 days, with no visible signs to the other sex. Otherwise nondetectible ovulation. Humans have replaced these signals with a sexual consciousness which makes it like a continual estrus. As humans, we then express and react sexually to others among us and our cultural groups, and what makes us want sex is apearance, traits, intelligence, and status as opposed to automatic signals. Because of this humans link almost everything to sex, or symbolizing of sex. Cars, clothes, sports, not these physical things but the use of them will enhance anothers sexual attractiveness. Many species carry several similiar aspects of sex, for example, a chimpanzee, or even more a bonobo. They use sexual postures towards one another just as a way of interpersonal reltationships. When they do have sex it is face to face like humans and unlike many other species. They also engage in same gender sexual activites. And it is believed that female bonobos do experience orgasms. The idea of this is that bonobos as well as humans have sex on a consiensious level as well as to reproduce. It is very ironic that humans are believed to have evolved from bonobo's. But the sexual tendancies of humans also have to do with the way people are raised. Not as a bad thing, but in a way to strengthen ties personally and psychologically. Which in a sense gave way to the human cultural system.
Vive La Difference.
Several animals display sexual dimorphism or clear distinction in sexes between traits. .
The difference between male and female humans begins genetically.