Near closing time on Saturday afternoon, March 25, 1911, a fire broke out on the top floors of the Asch building in the Triangle Shirtwaist Company. The fire only lasted for a half an hour but it killed 146 employees out of 600 that were working in those floors. There was just one fire escape in the building, which was an interior fire escape. There was no fire escape in the back. There wasn't any sprinklers system in the building. On the day of the fire one of the freight elevators wasn't working. To prevent the increasing amount of stealing that was going on, they had locked the exit doors. The building owner wasn't too key on fire prevention since supposedly their building was fire prove. .
They never found out what started the fire, but suspected that an ash from a cigarette started a small fire on the eighth floor. The fire grew quickly because of all of the paper, patterns and finished garment that were on the eighth floor. Some of the men tried to put out the flames using buckets of water and it didn't have any success. Then the fire reached the cans of machine oil at the same time that fresh air was introduced by an opining elevator. Which caused an explosion inside the building. That was the theory of how the fire stared, which could never be proved. .
When people found out about the fire they panic and started doing things that haven't been seen before. They started to jump off the building rather than being burn. A group of them went to the fire escape, believing it to be their path to safety. But the fire escapes drop ladder to the street had never been installed. Their combined weigh forced the fire escape to break away from the building and they fell down to the concrete floor. Most of them ran toward the only door open to get out but the door opened inward rather than outward. Watching each other burn to death made them panic and they all wanted to get out at the same time, so there bodies wouldn't let the door open inward since there were so many bodies next to the door.