Staring into the sky, I feel proud of what I have just accomplished.
feel as if my theory has been proven. Hello, my name is Claudius Ptolemy, and I am an .
ancient astronomer living in Alexandria, Egypt. I have a theory that the earth is the center .
if the universe and I have just completed a 13 volume book titled "Almagest" to prove .
my belief is accurate. Soon, people will recognize my name.
The year is 150 A.D., a time that astrology is not accepted by everyone. I plan on .
continuing my writing with a new set of books about modern astrology and how it is .
practiced in the West. I believe that my books will help other people in the future. I will .
be explaining what I personally have discovered, and proof of why my theories should be .
trusted. There will be four separate books, explaining the four different basics of .
The first book will concern my reasoning for studying and practicing the sciences .
of astrology and astronomy. I believe that just because a few people abuse the use of .
astrology, does not mean that it should be banned. It will also contain an explanation of .
the alignments of the sun, moon, and planets. The reason for this is to explain the positive .
and negative effects these movements have on our planet. I"ll also give details about the .
12 signs, and explain where they begin and why.
The second book will concern what roles each planet plays. For example, Mars is .
believed to bring war and drought. Also included will be the country's part in astrology. I .
will define which planets rule over which country. Also, signs will be explained in the .
book. I will describe how human signs affect humans, and animal signs affect animals. .
This explanation will lead up to how surrounding planets affect our planet.
The third book will compare horoscopes from conception through birth date.
I personally believe horoscopes originating from the times and dates of a conception are .
more accurate compared to that of a birth date.