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Earthquake at Dawn by Kristiana Gregory

             The book begins with a paragraph that immediately made me think that the main character's life was difficult: "I carried the chamber pot across the yard to the outhouse. Holding my breath, I poured the stink through the hole in the wooden sit." (p.1). Then, the author also managed to show how sorry the main character, Daisy, felt about not having a mother and how more challenging, lonely and painful that made her life.
             Then, after a couple pages, with the thought: "As I was her family's servant, folks granted me polite nods, nothing more. It was Edith who had their respect." (p.4), Daisy made me think of her as being an unhappy fifteen year old teenager, who often felt kind of discriminated and "mistreated" by the people who surrounded her because of her poverty and her "unladylike manner" (p.4). .
             Finally, when Edith decided to take Daisy to Europe with her, she said to her mother the following words: "Daisy's not afraid of bugs, she's not flatulent, nor does she snore, she walks energetically and, most important, she knows the difference between a telephoto and telephone." (p.11). Those words didn't mean everything they said literally, but they meant to show that Daisy was a very helpful, healthy, brave, respectful, patient, intelligent and likeable teenager that could do more than just clean a house, wash dishes or cook. .
             The earthquake that stroke the city of San Francisco, along with the fires, the death rate, the pain of people, the lack of healthcare, the financial and material loss, the inhumanity of politicians and people who didn't lose anything, as well as every other consequence that a natural disaster can bring on to people's lives caused Daisy Valentine, the main character in my book, to change her way of living, her way of seeing things, her way of thinking about life. After that incident, Daisy began to appreciate her life more. She began to enjoy every minute she lived because she now knew that everything could end or change totally in just a few seconds, such as the lives of many people did during that forty five second earthquake.

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