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Soaring Among The Clouds

             After my first time flying, I begin to realize how tiny we are in the grand scheme of things. The first time I soared among the clouds, I took in the sights and I realized how small we all are as I looked at whole farms smaller than my hand. From that first step into the cockpit, the fun began and we jumped into the sky. Everything I saw was new but old to me. I saw the world of a whole new view. Then the propeller begins to whirl to a standstill, I've already landed. It's time to take in what just happened.
             I can't clearly remember anything about my first flight but I do remember that first time my dad flew me. He was excited to show me what his learned and achieved, I was excited because of just seeing the plane. Everyone knows what kids think of when they see planes; they imagine twists, turns, rolls, the works, if you've ever seen planes in movies and cartoons you know what I"m talking about. I begged and begged but dad said no. He said the wings would fall off and we"d fly into the ground. Well that shut me up quickly. Then the engine instantly sprung to life, it was time to fly.
             The nose went up; all of a sudden my feet lost weight. I fell back in the chair. It felt as if someone was forcing me the lay back. After a few minutes the ghost let off me and I could lean forward again. I turned to the window and peaked out. The sight was amazing. I stared at the horizon as I began to look around. My dad pointed out houses and places I knew but I could barely recognize them. They were all so tiny; my hand was bigger than my house. All the roads twisted and turned, they were like rivers to me more than our perfectly straight road we drew in class. On these roads there are bugs, wait! They"re cars going up and down them. Everything shrank so much it was hard to tell what is what. My dad brought the plane around, it was time to land.
             As we came towards the road everything started to return to its normal size.

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