The term "computer virus" is quite widespread in the world today.
computer user worldwide has encountered a computer virus. According to Trust and .
Estates Magazine, "In the world of technology, viruses are computer codes that changes .
files or applications on a computer without the knowledge or consent of the computer .
user." (Trusts and Estates, 12) .
Viruses are designed for and can operate on all computer systems be it DOS, .
Windows, or Macintosh. They can be designed to remain unseen on a computer system, .
then become active on a designated date, or when a certain action is performed.
Unexplained phenomenon such as a message flashing across the computer screen can be .
caused by a virus. In an extreme case, a computer virus can render your hard drive .
inoperable. Often, when some computer files come up missing, or a computer locks up, a .
virus is to blame for the problem. Unknowingly, e-mail addresses can be affected and .
even used for reproduction by viruses. (Trusts and Estates, 12-13) .
The common term "computer virus" is actually a generic term used to describe all .
computer infections. A true computer virus is only one of the many different types of .
computer infections. ("How" 13) This report will cover two main topics: the .
increasing number of computer infections and the different types, how they spread, and .
problems they can cause. .
Increasing Number of Computer Infections.
The computer infection problem has been on the rise ever since the discovery of .
the first virus. According to PestPatrol, a virus research center, the virus problem began .
in 1985 when the first computer virus was detected. In 1995 the estimated number of .
viruses had risen to 8,000, just 10 years after the first virus was detected (fig. 1). As the .
Internet and World Wide Web became widespread, the virus count increased .