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The cases where abortion is not acceptable in my opinion are when two people don't take the necessary precautions to be both safe of aids and unwanted pregnancy. The case that I refer to is when two heterosexual partners who have casual sex with no birth control find themselves about to be parents. So in a panic they run to the clinic and murder the human life, then later on in life they wonder how things would have been different if they would have kept their first baby. Another situation where abortion is unacceptable is with families dealing with incest. When brothers and sisters or even cousins get involved sexually and the outcome is an unwanted pregnancy. The reason they get abortions are because they don't want the family to know what happened as well as the baby is more than likely going to be deformed. These situations of abortion can be avoided if people would start using their brains and take precautions to their sexual habits. There are also some situations where my own opinion on abortion skews; these situations are when the issue involves a rape victim or women with health problems. In the case of the rape victim, the simple fact that the lady was raped and did not make the choice to engage in sexual actions; means she should then have the option of abortion. There were some cases when the rape victim chose not to have an abortion; they felt that the baby did nothing wrong so why murder the human life for nothing. These women understand the value of human life, but for the other rape victims that decide they can't bear the thought of having a baby with the person that raped them. Which is understandable they shouldn't have to put their bodies through a pregnancy if they were forced to have sex. The other situation is women with health problems. Where they are faced with the decision of their own life or the baby's life. The process in which the women's body goes through during a pregnancy is very difficult and some women physically cannot go through it.

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