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The Tragedy of Agamemon

The real purpose for Clytemnestra sending away her son was so that he may live with other people and forget about his real mother and father. Clytemnestra knew that she could not kill her husband while Orestes was around because the cycle of revenge would continue and it would be Orestes killing his own mother along with Aegisthus who was also plotting Agamemnon's death. Clytemnestra could have killed her son to end the cycle, but as a mother she did not have the heart to kill her son. Sending him away was the best way to try and end the cycle of vengeance, which does not prove successful in the end. .
             On two accounts the Chorus wishes for the return of Orestes and that he may come right the wrong which has been committed in the noble house. "Oh, can Orestes live, be somewhere in sunlight still? Shall fate grown gracious ever bring him back again in strength of hand to overwhelm these murderers?"(1646-1648) He wants Orestes to find out about this and come back strong and kill these two murderers. The second time the chorus speaks of Orestes returning is when he speaks directly to Aegisthus. "Nevermore, if God's hand guiding brings Orestes home again."(1667) God shall guide him to this home and he will exact revenge on the both of them. Aegisthus is not worried about Orestes returning and we see this when he responds to the chorus. "Exiles feed on empty dreams of hope. I know it. I was one."(1668) He believes that Orestes will never return because he has been so far away from home for such a long time that it is unlikely that he will have any interest in returning. Aegisthus should have been the one to murder Agamemnon on behalf of his father. His father was supposed to kill his brother for making him eat his children, but he never got the chance so his oldest son Aegisthus had to kill the son of his father's brother. Aegisthus was once an exile and he never got the chance to kill Agamemnon.

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