America's fast food restaurants are revamping their menu.
widespread criticism of the fast food industry, they are expanding their typical .
"fat laden" burgers and fries to a healthier fare. They are now offering salads, .
veggie burgers, and yogurt offerings. .
It all started with Subway, when a young man named Jared Fogle lost 245 .
pounds eating nothing but Subway sandwiches for almost a year. His diet would .
consist of a 6-inch turkey sub for lunch and a foot-long veggie delight sub for .
dinner. When Subway learned this they started a campaign slogan which said "7 .
Subs with 6 Grams of Fat or Less". At that time, it was the only fast food .
restaurant that was healthier compared to the rest. .
Then at another point, A New York City lawyer has filed suit against the .
four big fast-food corporations, saying their fatty foods are responsible for his .
client's obesity and related health problems. Samuel Hirsch filed a lawsuit .
alleging that McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's and KFC Corporation are .
irresponsible and deceptive in the posting of their nutritional information. They .
made claims that they needed to offer healthier options on their menus and .
their consumers were addicted to their food- especially the poor and children.
In response to a sales decline after 9/11, McDonalds started a advertising .
a dollar menu. This dollar menu would include selected items from their regular .
menu and offer it for a dollar. Other fast food chains soon followed the trend. .
Wendy's offered a "99 cents value menu" and Burger King did something similar. .
The sales went slightly up b. .
Then McDonalds launched a new line of Premium Salads and partnered .
up with Newman's Own Salad dressing. This will include California Cobb, .
Chicken Caesar, Chicken Bacon Ranch. Patrons at first weren't fond of the idea. .
They were used to their typical burger and fries. But Wendy's followed suit with .
their Garden Sensations Salads. And Burger King slightly stepped up to the .