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The Abortion Issue

Methotrexate stops the ongoing .
             implantation process that occurs during the first several weeks after conception. .
             (FDA/Center for Drug Evaluation and Research).
             Mifepristone is a newer medication that was developed and tested specifically as an abortion-inducing agent. It has been used by over 500,000 women in Europe and millions of women worldwide, especially in China. Mifepristone is taken in the form of a pill. It works by blocking the hormone progesterone, which is necessary to sustain pregnancy. Without this .
             hormone, the lining of the uterus breaks down, the cervix softens, and bleeding begins. .
             (FDA/Center for Drug Evaluation and Research).
             Misoprostol is the secondary drug taken a few days after taking either methotrexate or mifepristone. Misoprostol tablets, which can be taken orally or put into the vagina, cause the uterus to contract and empty. Medical abortion can take anywhere from 3 days to 4 weeks, and requires a minimum of two visits to the clinic or medical office. There are some side effects, however none of them are major. The side effects may include: cramps similar to those with a .
             heavy menstrual period, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and heavy bleeding. .
             Surgical abortion is an option for women after seven weeks of pregnancy. There are two methods that can be used to induce surgical abortion. The most common method is to open the cervix slightly and remove the contents of the uterus, including the fetus and placenta. The second method, used much less frequently, is to induce labor, so that the fetus and placenta are .
             expelled as in childbirth. This method is used mainly when pregnancies are past 22 weeks.
             If the woman is in the first trimester of her pregnancy, then the standard method for abortion is vacuum aspiration or suction curettage. Most often a local anesthetic is used to numb the cervix because the doctor must dilate it enough to insert a small tube, or cannula, which is attached to an aspirator machine.

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