the back of my head.
One subject that has become increasingly popular since machines are getting .
smaller is the growing field of nanotechnology. This especially comes to mind after just .
finishing the book Prey, by Michael Crichton. This book is about a group of people who .
attempt to create nano particles for the government in an attempt to build a spy camera .
that can not be shot down. The group ends up creating a group of nano particles that .
becomes self replicating and kills any living object. The "nanoswarm,"" as it is called in .
the book, readily adapts and gains intelligence. It basically learns from previous .
experience, which shows intelligence. The nanoswarm in the book provides a good .
example of how machines could come to be a problem to humanity in the future. They .
could learn from previous mistakes, adapt, and control everything in their power. .
Nanotechnology is still a relatively young field, and there is much to be learned, but this .
is just one small example of how things could go in the future, whether the machines be .
the size of atoms or the size of a small building. (This is a small .
example of nanotechnology. Carbon atoms that were charged to an excited electron state .
so that would move to a certain part of an iron plate. This was also very precise work .
which took technicians almost a week to complete.) As Crichton puts it, the swarm of .
nano particles almost moves like a group of predators, using its combined strength and .
intelligence to overpower or outsmart someone or something. As things progress we .
need to express more concern over what our programs will do when they can officially .
have true artificial intelligence. While books have played a role in showing what the .
future may hold for us they have also shared this role with the silver screen.
Movies have played a large part in why some people, myself included, believe .
that one day our own creations will also be our downfall.