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            Last year I went to visit my older sister in college. She lived on the second floor of the dorm called McNut. Since it was an all girls floor I was forced to use the guys bathroom on the forth floor. So I walked up two long flights of stairs to until I got to the old, woody door. When I open the door to go into their hallway a sickening stench hit my face and almost knocked me off my feet. I walked cautiously to the bathroom, trying hard not to trip over food boxes and clothes that were lying scattered throughout. Moving down through this obstacle course, tiptoeing, trying to avoid the piles of garbage on the floor, I came across another disgusting stench that was lingering above the door of the bathroom. .
             The McNut fourth floor bathroom may have been the most disgusting, unsanitary, and repulsive sight in the entire dormitory. As I opened the bathroom door, a musty fog from the previous shower was remaining throughout the room, along with a urine odor that made my face cringe sourly at the first gulp of air. Entering the bathroom barefoot will be a daring act due to the island-shaped puddles of germ infested shower water that has overflowed the shower boundaries. Often saturated with a foggy cover after hot water has been running, the mirrors are marked up with obscene gestures that were imprinted onto the mirror surface, and white blotches that were from people popping their pimples in front of the mirror. Beneath the mirrors lied the nauseating sinks, which were covered with remains of facial hair shavings, clumpy pieces of toothpaste, and dirty finger printed chrome faucets. The toilet seats were enwrapped with nasty brown streaks at the back edge of the seat, the toilets gave off the most unwanted feeling, which would only have one thinking twice about sitting down without layering the seat with toilet paper. Covered with disgusting hair fragments and glazed with what one could only imagine being bacteria containing athlete's foot, the sticky shower floors look as if they had been disinfected once every couple of weeks.

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