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The weakness in revolutionary government

            Debate the proposition that weakness in pre-revolutionary Government were a major cause in their collapse:.
             The causes of the French and Russian revolutions were basically the same. King Louis XVI was the leader of the French and Tsar Nicholas II was the Russian leader. They were both alike in a few key ways neither could rule effectively and both were married to foreign wives. Both leaders were shy and did not have the strategic capability to command an army or make major political decisions. Louis XVI was not skilled to take on the role of King like Tsar Nicholas II. Louis often avoided his duties as king, due to the fact he could not make stern decisions and would rather be doing the things he had fun doing. The fact that he lacked self-confidence was a reason he could not form a definite opinion and stick to it this resulted to a lot of problems in the way the Government was run. Also like Nicholas he could not solve his countries financial problems. The French people did not like the character of the king. He was not the type of man that had the right attitude to be the leader of a country. .
             Frances tax system was the cause of their economic disaster they were both an absolute monarch based on a divine rule, which meant that either leader was only accountable to God. Both leaders were poorly prepared for their positions and neither had much knowledge of the world of politics and related matters .
             The pre-revolutionary political, economic and social system in the case of France was called the "ancien regime" and was obviously one that would surely take its toll with the people in the country at the time. The monarch controlled the laws of the country and the king was able to set laws that he saw fit to be made. Any law that the king decided to make went through the Paris parlement and if it was not passed, the king could have the law passed by appearing in person before the parlement and block royal decrees called lit de justice.

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