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Thomas Moore Utopia How Equal for Women?

             working. there are almost all the women, who .
             constitute half the whole " (71).
             Raphael is again emphasizing an advantage of having men and women both working. The entire population working equally lessens the amount of time devoted to labor.
             Raphael gives even more evidence of women having more rights and powers than any European society. Both men and women are harshly punished for sexual intercourse outside of a marriage. All of the shame of this action is not the burden of the woman alone. The men are also held accountable for this action (109). In discussing how marriages are arranged in Utopian society, Raphael warns that the protocol observed by the Utopians might be "condemned" as "foolish" by outsiders. The potential bride and groom are presented to each other naked. It is in this passage that the idea that women are somehow inferior to men spiritually creeps into the text. This might be purely because the narrator, Raphael, is male. Despite his life devoted to philosophy he cannot imagine this situation from the female perspective, but this suggestion leads to more that must be examined. He makes it clear that physical beauty is not the only thing considered by the Utopians when choosing a mate, but it is the scrutiny of the woman's body that is discussed. Is Raphael saying this custom is more for the protection of men? He elaborates by saying,.
             "Certainly such foul deformity may be hidden beneath these.
             coverings that it may quite alienate a man's mind from his.
             wife when bodily separation is no longer lawful.".
             Raphael only seems concerned with what the man might discover during this mutual disrobing. This is most clearly expressed by Raphael when he says, "the laws ought to protect him from being entrapped by guile." (110). Is Raphael admitting that this practice of observing one's future spouse nude before a marriage is performed largely for the benefit of the man involved? The statement "trapped by guile" seems to answer this question in the affirmative.

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