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             2-Hakka Widespread, especially between Fujian and Guangxi. .
             3-Hsiang (Hunan). South central region, in Hunan .
             4-Kan Shanxi and south-west Hebei. .
             5-Mandarin A wide range of dialects in the northern, central and western .
             regions. North Mandarin, as found in Beijing, is the basis of .
             the modern stanaard language. .
             6-Northern Min North-west Fujian. .
             (Min Pei) .
             7-Southern Min The south-east, mainly in parts of Zhejiang, Fujian, Hainan .
             (Min Nan) Island and Taiwan. .
             8-Wu Parts of Anhui, Zhejians. and Jiangsu. .
             In spite of the fact that the Chinese writing system is logographic, but because of its morphosyllabic base, the Chinese language provides a rich linguistic resource for the investigation of the sound system of natural language. Manchu transcriptions of Chinese words are very valuable to the study of Chinese phonology of the Ching dynasty. However, it is not yet confirmed whether they represent the actual pronunciation of Chinese or not. It is necessary to investigate changes in the writing systems, or the process of standardization. The phonology of Cantonese is almost the same as English's phonology.
             Chinese is an isolatong type, its words typically consist of only one morpheme. In such a language these are no affixes, so categories such as number and tense have to be expressed by a separate word. Briefly, in Chinese the basic language unit is the syllable.

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