I had established my own priorities at an early age and was given every feasible opportunity to meet these goals. As a result of that independence, I am now a responsible, methodical individual. The question that must now be confronted is whether or not who I am today was predetermined from the early Light Brite days. .
Determinism is stated as, "The theory that all events, including human actions and choices, are, without exception, totally determined-(Feinberg 410). When reflecting upon the story of my childhood and how I have come to develop, the concept of determinism is a very plausible notion. According to a determinist, my choice of activities followed a pattern that was predetermined long before I had conceived them. My actions were merely dictated by antecedent conditions that were beyond my control. Take, for .
example, my transition from Light Brite to the sport of soccer. One could easily state that it was simply a coincidence that I played soccer "but is it? Does it not seem more plausible that, in fact, I chose soccer over cheerleading because I never played with Barbie? The answer appears quite obvious when reflecting upon the circumstances in this light. Determinism can also be applied to various aspects in life in which we make decisions. .
Although Determinism appears to promote a valid explanation for my actions, it unfortunately has a rather large fallacy behind it. One of the main clauses of determinism is based on the idea that because everything is a result of an antecedent condition, we have no responsibility for our actions. Yet, if one refers back to my story, there is mention of the strong responsibility I feel for my actions as an adult. This sense of conviction towards my actions goes against everything determinism represents. As an independent child, I chose to be liable for my own actions. It was this choice that is the key factor in rendering the complete theory of determinism false and putting forth the concept of free will.