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A Tale of Two Journeys

             The father in the story in many ways reminds me of my own father. It has a lot to do with the way that he seems to act. Also the way in which the son follows what the dad wants, and the son will not say hey dad we need to leave or dad this is wrong, however if the dad states "we should have left before" the son will not hesitate to say yes we should have, or as in the story respond with a brisk yep.
             It was kind of surprising however that it took the actual words of the son in the diner; that he wanted the father and mother to get back together, to get the father to get up and go to the phone. When the father got up he did not call the mother like the son was expecting him to do. Instead the father called the police, and most likely told them that their was an accident some where down below the diner, which would make the police officer leave his post at the barricade and goto the aid of the person in the accident. This later in the story shows that the father and the son are ver alike, this is because later in the story the two are talking about what they are good at. The farther brings up the fact that the son is always thinking way ahead. With the father calling the police it shows that he also has the ability to think ahead.
             When the two were talking in the car it brought up another reason why the father in the story reminds me of my own father. This was because while the father was driving the car through the snow he told the son that he had better never do this because he doesn't have the ability to do this task. In reflecting apon my own life it reminds me of the time that my own father and myself were doing a very similar thing. We were going hunting and oddly enough it had just snowed the night before, and being from about an hour and a half south of Chicago it takes a hole lot more snow to get school canceled than it does down here in Carlinville, actually it takes about twice as much snow.

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