She worked hard and saved her money and eventually saved up enough to have the procedure known as liposuction. Liposuction is a procedure where surgeons cut away excess fat and stitch up the two end pieces of skin to have an abdomen or inner thigh become more thin and flat. (1 Immediately after the surgery the woman was not able to see her results, but after time she could see an obvious difference in her stomach and was very satisfied with her results.
This is a prime example where plastic surgery has actually improved one's self esteem. The woman had tried almost every diet and she just could not get rid of her "gut". She had consulted with four plastic surgeons in depth about her options and she chooses to have the procedure. Although it was costly, and not covered by medical insurance she has a new outlook on life and a great new self image to coincide with the general population striving to be perfect. Her only side effects were minor drainage from her incision site and bruising on her pubic area, which again is nothing considering the life long benefits she has now gained from a simple surgery.
Botox injections are another popular type of plastic surgery. Botox injections are scientifically called botulinum toxins (there are several -- the main types are A through F) attach themselves to nerve endings. Once this happens, acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter responsible for triggering muscle contractions, cannot be released. This basically causes the muscle to be paralyzed indefinitely. (2
A 37 year old woman from New Jersey decided to have botox injections to get rid of her "crows feet wrinkles." She had decided that she was tired of looking older than she actually was and went to a plastic surgeon to get this procedure done. After a few weeks she described herself as looking early thirties liked and was very satisfied with the results of her injection.